1861-65–Tuberculosis, Civil War military (29,510 Union force cases, 6,946 deaths) –14,000

–200,000 1861-1865. Cornell. Health and Medical Inspection… “Tuberculosis.” 1912, p. 554.

— 14,000 Stover, Ken. “Civil War Diseases. CivilWarAcademy.com. Accessed 3-29-2021.
— 6,946 Burns. Mercy Street. “Behind the Lens: A History in Pictures.” PBS. (Union only?)

Narrative Information

Burns: “Before war in the twentieth century, disease was the number one killer of combatants. Of the 620,000 recorded military deaths in the Civil War about two-thirds died from disease. However, recent studies show the number of deaths was probably closer to 750,000. Crowded conditions, poor hygiene, absence of sanitary disposal of garbage and human waste, inadequate diets, and no specific disease treatments was a formula for disaster….

“Tuberculosis killed 6,946 out of the 29,510 infected.”

Stover: “Civil War Diseases: Tuberculosis

“Tuberculosis killed about 14,000 soldiers during the war. There was no known cure for it during the war. Even today there is no real cure, it can be treated but never cured. Once you get this disease you get it for life.” (Stover, Ken. “Civil War Diseases. CivilWarAcademy.com.)


Burns, Stanley B. MD. Mercy Street. “Behind the Lens: A History in Pictures.” PBS. Accessed 3-27-2021 at: http://www.pbs.org/mercy-street/uncover-history/behind-lens/disease/

Cornell, Walter S., MD. Health and Medical Inspection of School Children. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co., 1912. Accessed 3-29-2021 at: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Health_and_Medical_Inspection_of_School/RBkCAAAAYAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq

Stover, Ken. “Civil War Diseases. CivilWarAcademy.com. Accessed 3-29-2021 at: https://www.civilwaracademy.com/civil-war-diseases

Additional Reading

Barnes, Joseph K. (Surgeon General, United States Army). The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1861-65). Part I, Volume. I, Medical History. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1870. Accessed 3-27-2021 at: https://collections.nlm.nih.gov/bookviewer?PID=nlm:nlmuid-14121350RX1-mvpart#page/4/mode/2up