1799 — Sum-Fall, Dysentery, especially children, Hanover and adjacent towns, NH –20-30

–20-30  Gallup. Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in…Vermont. 1815, p. 48; citing Prof. N. Smith.


Narrative Information


Prof. N. Smith: “In the summer of 1800, dysentery appeared in the east part of Hanover, and in several adjacent towns, and carried off many children and some adults, to the number of between seventy and eighty. In the former year, when Hanover was visited with the dysentery, it was confined to the College-plain,[1] so called, and between twenty and thirty died of it. In the last mentioned season it did not attack any on the College-plain. The same year it prevailed in several towns in Vermont.” (Letter of Prof. N. Smith to Dr. Gallup in Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont, p. 48.)




Gallup, Joseph A., M.D. Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont; From its First Settlement to the year 1815, with a Consideration of their Causes, Phenomena, and Treatment. Boston: T. B. Wait & Sons, 1815. Accessed 2-7-2018 at: https://collections.nlm.nih.gov/bookviewer?PID=nlm:nlmuid-2555005R-bk


[1] Presume this would relate to Dartmouth College.